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Truth Unveiling Rappers!

I am so flabbergasted at the power of the internet and Globalization. They have together opened us up to a vastness of cultural diversity that exists within the world as a whole. Being one of the proudest members of the MTV and VH1 generation, I’d like to write about the genre of music that moves me the most- Rap. To be honest I did not like rap music at first. I still remember the first time I listened to Eminem’s “real slim shady”. My bestest friend Sarah’s brother is a fan of Eminem and he often listened to his tapes. I remember asking Sarah what in the name of god the noise was! But little did I know back then, I would become a sucker for the “noise” too! Here are my favorites.  Lose yourself- Eminem The very first rap that made me realize that there was something beyond the rhythmic music associated with it was Eminem’s “Lose yourself”. I mean he is such a “godlike” cult figure and still expresses the nervousness he has to face before performing