Seems like Glee writers really don’t have much of a story to
tell! Season 4 is an evidence to this fact. When Glee first started, it was
highly appreciated for its fresh approach towards making something different –
a Musical. It changed the whole perspective of Glee clubs in schools. I really
loved the show’s format and was into the mashups they created. But now it seems
like the new season is nothing but old wine in a new bottle as the same story
is being retold with new faces!

So there was this loser guy who wanted to bring a revolution
of sorts by trying to get kids enroll in a Glee club (Mr.Shuester), and an
underdog (Rachel) who was tremendously talented but lacked oomph!
And she was
in love with this famous dude (Finn). And there was this mean cheerleader (Quinn) whose objective in life
was to keep the underdog away from the man she is in love with – yes the same
famous dude .
Then there was this black kid who was really really talented (Mercedes)
but was always cheated of the right part in the musicals because she always had
to fight for it with the heavily talented underdog! And there was a stud (Puck,Mother of god, was he a hunk!) who was rebellious and stupid but also equally
And now check this out. In Season 4 again comes a loser dude
(the formerly famous Finn who is at a cul-de-sac both personally and
professionally) who wants to “revoltionize” Glee club (seriously now!). Enter
underdog junior (Marley) with
a crush on famous dude junior (Ryder).
Cheerleader Kitty, who formerly had a thing for the rebellious- stupid- famous
Jake (Puck’s half- brother, no claps please!!), also likes the famous dude
junior which is why she plays some really mean tricks with Marley (Gag reflex
episode grossed me out totally!). And then there is a black kid (Wade Adams)
who is also cheated of some really great roles because he is “unique” (phfft!).
I don’t want to forget to mention this – Brittany quips, “welcome back Mercedes”
to Wade this season..(ROFLOCOPTER)!
So I am predicting that as the season progresses, there will
be “new” characters who can replace the old Santana, Artie, Brittany, Blaine, Kurt,
Tina and whoever was left in Season 3! I think it’s time to pull the curtains
down for the show once and for all now. This would strategically avoid Glee
from the abyss it is falling into and also save it from contending with something
as glamorous and as huge as Smash. Time to say Bye Bye “Gleeks”.. The term doesn’t
sound cool either now.. Does it? ;)
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